Maxim Behar Attended the Hill+Knowlton Strategies European Meeting
Maxim Behar, CEO of M3 Communications Group, Inc. and also Chairman of Hill+Knowlton Czech Republic took part in the European meeting held in Brussels at end of May, 2012.
Lars Eric Gronntun, Hill+Knowlton Strategies' President Europe was the official host of the meeting and moderated the two-day session that gathered together almost 20 Managing Directors and CEOs from the region. The Global Chairman Jack Martin and Executive Vice Chairman Melody Lee also attended the meeting.
Mr. Martin and Maxim Behar met for the second time this month, as the previous meeting was in Washington D.C. at the end of April. At this meting Mr. Martin reconfirmed Hill+Knowlton headquarters' support for the outgoing changes in Prague. Maxim Behar introduced him the to the new Managing Director of operation in Prague - Zdenek Lokaj. Jack Martin and Lars Erik Gronntun expressed their trust in the new management and the new staff in the office, underlining the necessity for new services and a wider range of expertise to be offered to the existing and potential clients. M3 Communications Group, Inc. CEO also briefed both the Global and the European management on the company's achievements in social media projects and discussed opportunities of much better cooperation within the group worldwide.
Maxim Behar was also moderator and a speaker of the Social Media discussion at the meeting.
For more information, visit http://www.hillandknowlton.cz/index.php?&desktop=clanky&action=view&id=35&set_lang_client=2