Мaxim Behar Re-elected President of the World Communication Forum
The PR expert Maxim Behar was re-elected President of the World Communication Forum Association, based in Davos, Switzerland, for a new 3-year mandate. The election process was conducted during a recent Online General Assembly.
Three Vice-Presidents joined the Forum’s management – Solly Moeng (South Africa), Ganesh Chandrasekaran (India), and Jon-Hans Coetzer (Portugal). Newly elected Global Executive Board members are Nurul Ashiqin Shamsuri (Malaysia), Cl?ra Ly-Le (Vietnam), Mina Nazari (Iran), Jacqueline Strayer (USA), Saurabh Uboweja (India) and Cesare Valli (Italy).
A key priority of the World Communication Forum will be to continue working for the development of the global communications business and for strengthening its key role for the economies, especially in the current challenging times.
“It is an honour for me to be re-elected President of the World Communication Forum for a new 3-year mandate. I am happy to continue working with prominent leaders and communications experts from all around the world, with whom we will shape the future of the business. During my first mandate as a President we achieved a lot. I believe, that the second one will be even more successful, but also challenging, as the global economies have yet to cope with the pandemics’ consequences“, commented Maxim Behar, one of the founders of the World Communication Forum in 2010.