Maxim Behar is elected a member of the newly established Ethics Commission of BAPRA
The Bulgarian Association of PR Agencies (BAPRA) has just established an Ethics Commission (EC) to unite the communication community and monitor ethical and professional communications.
Maxim Behar, PR expert and CEO of M3 Communications Group, Inc., is elected a member of the Commission.
The Ethics Commission will monitor compliance with the rules of professional conduct in the field of communications, fair competition and protection of the interests of clients and society. It will apply the Code of Ethics of the communication business signed by BAPRA - the Sofia Charter for Ethical Communications, as well as other officially approved documents.
"I am confident in the success of the new Ethics Commission and its contribution to the development of the communication business in Bulgaria. In a few years, the PR industry has changed beyond recognition. Today, the world is totally transparent and that is why the communication community needs to be more dynamic and more ethical," said Maxim Behar.
Maxim Behar is a longtime member and former Chairman of BAPRA’s Executive Board and actively supports various initiatives aimed at promoting ethical standards in communications, fight against fake news and much more. He is a co-author of the Business Ethics Standard of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum (BBLF), the so-called Helsinki Declaration on Ethical Public Relations of the International Communications Consultancy Organisation (ICCO) and many others. At BAPRA's annual awards, his company M3 Communications Group, Inc. won numerous awards and was three times named the best PR agency in Bulgaria.