Trolls or… Freedom
In his weekly column "Max's Column" for TBmagazine, Maxim Behar talks about the difficulties and changes in the Bulgarian economy and business and the only force that counts - experience.
I argued with a sociologist. Or whatever she was. One of the many who never knew who would win the elections but were always on the screen. We know them all too well - they all know everything, but actually... nothing. So, she claimed that social media was our new enemy - you see, everyone was saying whatever they thought and wanted, and we had to read it.
It's funny. After all, it's 2022. Social media now gives us knowledge, information, that enriches us and makes us strong and independent. And it is no coincidence that in several countries, some of them too large, they are prohibited. And you should never, ever worry that you might read a hater's comment, a malicious remark, or an outright fake news. Everything will fall into place in time. We can easily recognize these incredibly harmful trolls that want to brainwash us. Even more easily we will be able to distinguish the lie from the truth.
Far more important is the information we receive every day. The ability to communicate without borders and without worries. This is really worth it because it means only one thing - knowledge. Oh, I would have forgotten the most important thing - freedom.