To the Events…
In his weekly column "Max's Column" for TBmagazine, Maxim Behar talks about the difficulties and changes in the Bulgarian economy and business and the only force that counts - experience.
But not only my business, Public Relations, but also as if our clients were waiting for the "covid" to hide itself, so that we can start seeing partners, clients and friends again.
The printers started churning out business cards again and we filled our schedules with a few cocktails a night. And instead of wrestling with the TV remote, we solved complex puzzles of where to go and how to dress.
So far so good - we have played this game many times and we are doing brilliantly in it.
However, a much more important question remains unanswered - what do we gain from this euphoria and are we not behaving little bit outrageous at the expense of our good upbringing and the principles that the new age has imposed on us? In fact, this whole sick situation taught us not only to see each other on Zoom and to save money, but also to communicate far more clearly and more productively and value our time and money.
Again, events are part of my business, but pragmatism is part of who I am. To the events, indeed! But just more efficient and more pragmatic.