Care-taking, Forever
In his weekly column "Max's Column" for TBmagazine, Maxim Behar talks about the difficulties and changes in the Bulgarian economy and business and the only force that counts - experience.
We are already sick of caretaker governments. You walk along “Vitoshka” Street in Sofia and every second person you meet turns out to be a former minister. And sometimes a present one. But that's not the drama. Long live the ministers – past, present and future. Everyone fills their CV with titles, but in the end the state suffers.
You don't need to be a great strategist to make it clear to everyone that the institution of "caretaker government" should have been removed from the Bulgarian constitution a long time ago. And I can bet, that a qualified majority will be gathered in the parliament instantly to vote for this change.
I don't know exactly what was going on in the heads of the representatives in the first year or two after the end of the communism, probably fear, that a fallen post-communist government could stay in power for a long time. But now the world is different.
In reality, there is no benefit from this caretaker government, and probably several in a row are yet to come again. Any regular government in which a vote of no confidence is passed, makes absolutely no sense. And the worst government is ultimately better than an unelected but an appointed government. Moreover, in the end, every government should be left to do its job until fair and legal elections are held.
Everything else is a pure waste – of time, of hopes, of efforts, of strategies. A loss for democracy. Forever.