Let's start from Schengen
In his weekly column "Max's Column" for TBmagazine, Maxim Behar talks about the difficulties and changes in the Bulgarian economy and business and the only force that counts - experience.
It is not at all true that after Bulgaria's accession to the European Union in 2007, you see, "we no longer have goals". We do! And how! And in the future, at least for the foreseeable future, we always will. And very clear and precise ones.
You will probably say - first we should fix our roads, sidewalks, public transport, policies, the education of our MEPs and a whole bunch of other things, which I strongly believe is a secondary one. If we are out of Schengen and stay with the stotinki and not with the euro cents in our pockets, none of what we dream of will come true. To have free access to the largest and most developed market in the world, and to be able to pay with its currency on an equally is a goal that prevails all others.
So, we must start with Schengen... The rest will naturally come on its own, at a later stage.