

Serve Business, Not Chaos

In his weekly column "Max's Column" for TBmagazine, Maxim Behar talks about the difficulties and changes in the Bulgarian economy and business and the only force that counts - experience.

Politics is a great mess right now—not only in Bulgaria but everywhere, although we are primarily focused here. In a way, businesses are no longer concerned about who is or isn't a minister. However, as is clearly visible, ministers only seem to care what happens with business if it comes to light that they are particularly involved—for example, helping a friend or partner's business with unregulated and unsecured funds from some state institution.

At the same time, it should be exactly the opposite. The ministers' only job right now should be to support small and medium-sized businesses and create good financial incentives for them to grow—nothing more. They should help them develop successfully in an organized and predictable way—the opposite of all this chaos.

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