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Do it yourself!

A huge part of business in Bulgaria is - as I often say, without knowing if there is such a word in our language - self-made. And this is quite logical. In the early 1990s there was nowhere and no ... »

German, European... and almost Bulgarian

I have always wondered how we could prove how grateful we are... Making him an honorary citizen, somehow might work. I haven't read or heard of a university in Bulgaria that has made him a Doctor Honoris Causa, or a ... »

Maxim Behar in The Career show podcast

Host: Hi, you're with The Career Show podcast. The podcast tells the stories of the most successful Bulgarians and their lessons for career, business, and life. I'm Sasho Kadiev and my guest on today's show is Maxim Behar. One of ... »

Dirty work?

I have no idea how many of the readers remember the words of the first democratically elected president of Bulgaria, Zhelyu Zhelev, in the early 1990s, that politics is a dirty job... I really have no idea, but I can ... »

Transparent business, stupid!

Lately, we have been returning more and more often to President Bill Clinton's legendary campaign words - "The economy, stupid!", I will try to correct them very slightly. Societies are now changing at the speed of light and the word ... »

Divided. And how!

Our society is totally divided, and this is evident even to the most disinterested amateurs. One of the reasons, of course, is everyone's access to social media and their ability to furiously dislike having to necessarily have a different opinion. ... »

The messages that say nothing

It is wonderful that several tens of thousands of people in Bulgaria want to become mayors. Social media are racing long before the campaign is open to show pretty pictures of licked and freshly coiffed handsome men and women, as ... »