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Maxim Behar and Lior Suchard, Sofia, December 2018

Lior, who knows how to know

He casually walks into a tiny downtown restaurant, holding his folded trench coat over his arm while gripping the handrail with the other hand as he climbs the narrow stairs. From his curious gaze and eyes looking around every corner ... »

The Power of Branding

Many people in business greatly underestimate the importance of having a brand—whether it’s the company’s brand, their personal brand, or that of their colleagues. “Well, we don’t need anyone to know about us; we quietly do our work...” I ... »

Maxim Behar: Politicians Must Focus on Results, Not Promises

Host (Ganiela Angelova): The rift and factions within the established political parties—what do they signify? We have Nidal Alghafari and Maxim Behar here to discuss. Good evening, gentlemen, and welcome! Maxim Behar: Good evening! Host: Yesterday, the Central Operative Bureau ... »

Serve Business, Not Chaos

Politics is a great mess right now—not only in Bulgaria but everywhere, although we are primarily focused here. In a way, businesses are no longer concerned about who is or isn't a minister. However, as is clearly visible, ministers only ... »

Leftist, rightist and vise versa

At the dawn of the fresh yet highly controversial and not-so-well-understood Bulgarian democracy, people split between the red of the left and the blue of the right. It was truly awful—families divorced over politics, brothers fought one another, neighbors stopped ... »

Sofia in Pieces

We all know very well that Sofia is a beautiful, calm, and rather safe city. The same party has governed it for about fifteen years, and—naturally—they were criticized from morning till night by everyone and, incidentally, with good reason. Not ... »

Music video for "Runaway" by Maxim Behar now on YouTube

The long-awaited music video for PR expert Maxim Behar's hit song "Runaway" is now out. The musical project, which carries motivating and powerful messages about personal growth, gained hundreds of views just hours after its premiere. Created at the M3 ... »

Parliamentary immunity belongs to the past

President Biden unexpectedly proposed that any resident of the White House should not have parliamentary immunity and should be held accountable under the law just like any other American. It may sound revolutionary to the world, but if you take ... »